samedi 4 février 2017

Summer break 2: Pop-Up Shops

Read about Pop-Up Shops in London

Move your mouse over the underlined words and you will find their translation into French 

(so as not to forget your French !! )

For further work you can print a pdf version here  

  • Keep a notebook with all interesting vocabulary and examples of use.
  • To expand your knowledge and raise awareness of interesting expressions use Linguee English French (←click)
  • Reading Strategy: To understand the text better ask yourself : WHAT is the text about? WHO.....? WHERE.....? WHEN....? WHY....? HOW....? You can write down the answers you found by reading the text
  • Think and write down 5 good questions about any interesting aspect of the article.
  • Here is the video How do Pop-Up Shops work?

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